Pop-Up: Conscious Connected Breathwork II
What it's about

Conscious Connected Breathwork is a transformative practice that help you process unresolved emotions and stress in a safe environment. It involves controlled breathing patterns and specially curated music to induce an altered state of consciousness, enabling emotional healing and spiritual growth.

During a session, you’ll be lying down, focusing on your breath against the background of music to support the experience. The fast, deep breathing pattern may lead to intense sensations, emotional release and expanded awareness.

This practice explores Emotional Regulation tools to balance the nervous system, which plays a vital role in managing emotions and behaviours. Learning emotional regulation skills is key to managing stress and maintaining overall well-being. An imbalanced nervous system can lead to various symptoms such as anxiety, depression, or physical pain. An overactive sympathetic nervous system and underactive parasympathetic nervous system cause this imbalance. Unresolved emotional issues can also contribute to the imbalance. Negative emotions such as anger, sadness, and fear can trigger the SNS, and if left unaddressed, they can become chronic and result in physical symptoms such as headaches, back pain, and gastrointestinal problems.

Suitable for everyone but if you are pregnant or suffering from asthma, please consult your doctor before joining.

About The Teacher

Ana Terra

Ana is a certified breathwork facilitator, and her journey is a testament to the profound impact of breathwork in conquering anxiety and insomnia. Her personal transformation in Bali ignited a mission to share the life-changing power of breathwork with others. As a 300-hour Innercamp Breathwork Facilitator, Ana is dedicated to helping individuals find inner peace, conquer their fears, and embrace life's challenges through the transformative practice of breathwork.

In addition to her expertise in breathwork, Ana is also a qualified nutritionist, holding a B.Sc. in Food Science and Nutrition and a MSc in Health Food from Maastricht University. Her unique blend of knowledge in breathwork and nutrition allows her to offer a holistic approach to well-being and personal growth.

More info about Ana: www.nutritionwithana.com

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