Pop-Up: Just breathe
What it's about

In yoga, ‘Kriyas’ mean specific cleansing exercises to move and awaken the body and spirit to prepare for movement and meditation.

The Sanskrit word kriya translates to action or effort, and kriya yoga is often called the ‘Yoga of Action or Purification’. Each practice helps to cleanse the body and reduce common ailments and illnesses. Other benefits include boosting energy levels and stimulating digestion.

In this session, you can expect to practise common cleansing and breathwork techniques like kapala bhati and nauli, followed by pranayama like alternate nostril breathing, ending off with a restorative and meditative practice to cultivate stillness and compassion.

Suitable for everyone. If you are pregnant or have high blood pressure, please speak with the teacher for a further discussion on how the practice can be modified to suit you.

Li Ling
About The Teacher

Li Ling

Li Ling started her yoga journey in her 20s and in Vinyasa and Ashtanga Yoga. Both styles of yoga are demanding and highly movement-based. Throughout the years of teaching and life's challenges, Li Ling's practice has also moved on to styles of yoga and movement practices that demands more inquisition and patience. Although she has taught for more than a decade, her foray into mindfulness and meditation only began more than a year ago. She is loving what the mind is capable of and how deep she can venture in the practice. She is committed to share her joy of teaching yoga and help others discover joy in their lives. Join her to experience a calm and meditative afternoon.

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