Livestream Classes
Yoga for everyone
What it's about

Yoga teaches us to adapt to life and KPY has been delivering its classes virtually since April 2020 when the lockdown started. The world of virtual classes was new to us but it was something we felt could help manage the stresses of life, especially during the pandemic. Besides being able to listen to a familiar voice and move with a teacher who knows you in the comforts of your home, that is reassuring during a challenging period.

KPY’s Livestream classes only requires you to make 1 booking and that allows other members of the SAME household to join you in the same class. Furthermore, we send you a recording of the class which allows you to do the same class again within the next 2 days. Booking is essential so that we can send you the link an hour before the class. Book your classes here now.

Group of teacher at River Valley studio
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